Proposal: Modify strategies' key parameters (N0014)

Author: obsqurial#5725

Date Created: 20/09/2023

Date Posted: 20/09/2023


With the introduction of new strategies, it has become evident that we must modify key parameters of the strategies. Specifically, adjustments to the claim period and the protocol fee are crucial. These changes aim to decrease unnecessary expenditures and enhance the protocol’s long-term sustainability.


Over time, as decentralized protocols evolve and adapt, the need for parameter optimization becomes essential. Historically, we’ve observed that without timely adjustments, the protocol can face inefficiencies leading to higher costs and potentially reduced incentives for participants. The inception of our new strategies, coupled with data analysis from the past periods, has shed light on areas where improvements are needed. The claim period and the protocol fee have been identified as two parameters that, when adjusted, can streamline the protocol’s operations, ensure fairer distribution of rewards, and bolster the economic health of the entire ecosystem.


This proposal is part of our primary mission — speed and security of profit generation enabled by crypto assets.

Conducting a regular and ongoing evaluation of the development department is an essential tool not only for the preservation of product integrity but also for community integrity.

Thus, quality assurance will never be underestimated, and we will always ensure the prevention, anticipation, and preemption of any possible flaw.


Update the protocol fee: New Value: 10%

Modify the claim period: New Regulation: Rewards distribution once every 24 hours.


Yes – If this proposal passes, Bolide will implement the scope of work as described above.

No – If this proposal is rejected, it will go back for further discussion to align on the required changes before the updated proposal is re-sent for review.