Funding Request: Software Development

Title: Funding Request: Software Development
Authors: Dragoo#3089
Date Created: 01/11/2022
Date Posted: 01/11/2022

We continue to work constantly on the technical side of our project. By adhering to the roadmap, we are requesting a part of the funds from the expenses wallet for the costs associated with the development process.

Creating an efficient and powerful product development process is essential to taking your idea from your desk to thousands of customers and buyers in the marketplace.
However, it is not enough just to have a great idea, it is also important to implement it correctly, going through various stages of development and commercializing it correctly.

This proposal is part of our main mission — speed and security of profit generation enabled by crypto assets.
Conducting a regular and ongoing evaluation of the development department is an important tool not only for the preservation of product integrity but also for community integrity.
Thus, quality assurance will never be underestimated and we will always keep to ensuring the prevention, anticipation, and preemption of any possible flaw.

The following steps have been done (this list covers the biggest tasks which is secure to share but this is not the full list of work):

  • Implementing integrations with other DeFi services and blockchains
  • Integration with CEX
  • Debugging issues with automated strategy
  • Upgrading smart contracts
  • Upgrade of current user interface

Evaluating all the costs of development expenses, the team requests 85 000 USDT.POLL

  • Yes
  • No